Sharp Park Existing Conditions Report
The City of Pacifica is in the process of developing a Specific Plan for the Sharp Park area. Currently, the Sharp Park area serves as the city’s civic core and is home to many unique businesses, as well as the iconic Pacifica Pier. The coastline serves as a significant draw to the neighborhood but there remains an opportunity to strengthen the number and variety of other attractions for Pacificans and visitors alike.
Under California law, local governments can use specific plans as tools to plan for needed revitalization and change. Specific Plans provide greater planning and design guidance than can be included in a General Plan, and they allow local governments the ability to address complex land ownership patterns and infrastructure needs.
This Existing Conditions Report focuses on resources, trends, and critical concerns that will frame choices for Sharp Park’s long-term physical development and provides baseline spatial information on the existing conditions, opportunities, and challenges in the Sharp Park Specific Plan area. Click the links below to download chapters of the Existing Conditions Report.
Full Existing Conditions Report (UPDATED December 2019 with Planning Commission suggestions)
Chapter 2: Land Use and Development
Chapter 3: Urban Design and Character
Chapter 4: Access, Connectivity, and Parking
Chapter 6: Environmental Resources and Hazards
Accompanying Sharp Park Market Demand Study
Full Existing Conditions Report (November 2019)