What is a Climate Action and Adaptation Plan?

A local government or city Climate Action and Adaptation Plan can serve as a roadmap that identifies measurable targets and specific actions the agency may take to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in its community. An effective Plan will establish targets and actions in the sectors that fall within a local government’s given authority, including transportation, energy, building optimization, and management of water and waste, and include a baseline inventory of GHG emissions, forecasts for planned emissions reductions and carbon offsets, goals and targets, strategies for implementation, and a method for tracking progress.

Pacifica’s Climate Action and Adaptation Plan

The Climate Action Plan (Plan) for Pacifica was last updated in 2014. In May 2023, the Pacifica City Council directed the creation of a Climate Action and Adaptation Plan Task Force (CAAP Force) to update the Plan. The CAAP Force, consisting of 11 members, was appointed on July 10, 2023, and began its work in September 2023.

Task Force Responsibilities:

The CAAP Force is responsible for developing a draft CAAP for Council adoption. Key tasks include:

  1. Define the scope of the Plan

  2. Analyze the City’s Greenhouse Gas (GHG) inventory and develop an emissions forecast

  3. Establish measurable targets and actionable goals

  4. Formulate strategies, initiatives, and implementation plan to implement goals

  5. Draft the Plan, including reporting and updating requirements

  6. Present the Plan for adoption

The CAAP Force meets on the third Tuesday of every month at:

Pacifica City Council Chambers
2212 Beach Blvd, Pacifica, CA

Meeting agendas are emailed to subscribers and posted on the City’s website.

Announcements & Updates

Your Voice Matters in the Climate Conversation and we want to hear from you! 🌍✨

As the CAAP task force, and the City of Pacifica work to create a sustainable and resilient future for Pacifica, it’s important to know how you’re feeling and what actions you’re already taking to help the environment. 💚

💬 Join the conversation:

• What’s the biggest climate challenge you face in Pacifica? ❌

• What sustainable practices do you already use in your daily life? 🚆🏄‍♀️🚴‍♀️🥬🍓

• What changes would you like to see in the city? 🔋💡

Your input will help shape the future of our Climate Action & Adaptation Plan, making it stronger and more effective for everyone. So, let’s work together for a better Pacifica! Join us on December 14th, 2024, for a focus group led by a consultant group, MIG at the City of Pacifica. All needed information for this focus group are on the fliers.

Sign up via google forms now!

The 2014 Climate Action Plan

In July 2014 the Pacifica City Council adopted its first Climate Action Plan, which was intended to provide policy direction and identify actions the City and community can take to significantly reduce GHG emissions. The Plan includes 15 GHG reduction measures that address four emission sources - energy, transportation, solid waste, and water.

Since the 2014 CAP adoption, the City has undertaken several tangible actions to reduce GHG emissions including, among others:

  • Adopting Reach Codes to promote electrification instead of gas

  • Implementing California’s new Organics Recycling law to promote composting

  • Adoption of the Disposable Foodware Ordinance, reducing plastic and waste

  • Completing a heritage tree ordinance update to protect and preserve more trees

  • Developing an EV Charging Station strategy to support grant applications for EV infrastructure

  • Completing a 2040 General Plan Update that prioritizes in-fill, mixed-use development and discourages auto-dependent development on the periphery of Pacifica

  • Replacing old City fleet vehicles with hybrid or more fuel-efficient vehicles

  • Creating more bike lanes and sidewalk improvements pursuant to an updated Bike/Ped Master Plan to help promote walking and biking

  • Planning for solar power at the Community Center, renovated Civic Center, and Calera Creek Water Recycling Plant

  • Partnering with Peninsula Clean Energy and opting in all accounts (public and private) for their renewable energy portfolio

  • Implementing hybrid work schedules for employees, helping to reduce commute emissions

  • Incorporating energy efficiency measures into the new Civic Center project, e.g., electric water heaters instead of gas, not to mention that renovating the structures is more sustainable than demolishing and building new structures

While since the 2016 Implementation and 2017 Implementation Reports, the City has not had the ability to further quantify the effects from these activities, they are important contributions to the overall effort by the City to support CAP implementation and GHG reductions.

Plan Pacifica - Help Shape Pacifica’s Future!

The current process to update the Housing Element of the General Plan and Local Coastal Land Use Plan relies on vital input, visioning and feedback from the community.

  • Sign up for our mailing list here

  • Click here to contact us with questions or comments

  • See the Resource Library for related Sharp Park Specific Plan materials